
Questions marked with a * are required
When someone says “we need to talk”, it’s a signal that the conversation is important, likely serious. This potent phrase can conjure many possibilities in the listener’s mind - both positive and negative. 


Reflecting on the 2020s thus far, we invite you to use the text submission box below to tell others what is on your heart or mind. Tell us what follows when you imagine saying “we need to talk” to anyone or everyone. Your submission will be included in a visual and auditory design exhibition held in March and April 2021 at James Madison University’s Duke Hall Gallery. (Limit 250 characters or about 80 words - you may choose to remain anonymous):
Terms of Participation:
Your participation in this experiment is completely voluntary and you may choose to remain anonymous. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. It is very important for us to learn your opinions. Your responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Any demographic information you choose to share will be coded, disconnected from your submission, and will remain confidential.  If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Audrey Barnes (barnesal@jmu.edu) or Kevin Phaup (phaupkb@jmu.edu). Thank you very much for your time and support. 

Comments including but not limited to the following may be deleted or edited by the moderators:
  • Abusive comments about individuals or organizations
  • Spam: Off-topic and redundant comments (this includes promotion of events, groups, pages, websites, organizations and programs not related to or affiliated with the organization)
  • Comments that use “hate speech” (for example, including but not limited to racial, ethnic, or gender bashing language)
  • Personal attacks or defamatory statements or comments (i.e., making negative personal or untrue comments about an individual), instead of just criticism.  
By submitting content to this form, you understand and acknowledge that this information may be made available to the public, and that the designers may use this information as part of an ongoing discursive design practice. If you do not wish to have the information you have made available via this site used, published, copied and/or reprinted, please do not post.
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